TJL and I went and walked over a couple of farms that are on the market today. One is just up the road from where we currently live, and the other was about 20 minutes away. I can't believe how tired I am after having walked over them. Just how unfit am I? Lets not even begin to pretend I want that question answered. I am pleased that we walked rather than drove our vehicle though, as obviously I need the exercise.
We preferred the first farm. Originally it had a 'homestead' of some sort on it, and I am just IN LOVE with the foundations - as crazy as that sounds. I only had my phone to take pictures on, so I might have to head up next open day and take some on my camera 'proper'. Can one really purchase a farm based on the remains of a homestead - I think so. Of course it all depends on what the bank will lend us, what our parents will lend us, and what the vendor wants, but it sure was a nice property. Ideally the owners of our current farm will want to sell sooner rather than later and we can buy here, but OH THOSE FOUNDATIONS! Pathetic description is a rectangle of concrete (are you thrilled yet) but with these neat stone pillars. Totally overgrown etc, but if you can build within the original, WOW. And the view of Mt Taranaki you would get, just awesome! And in my head I can picture raising a family there, having guests over to admire the view, you know how it goes in fantasy land ...
Second one we looked at was not as good. Just didn't feel 'right'. Of course we bumped into people that TJL knows (he knows EVERYONE in this district). And typically they had a wee one in a car seat in the back, and she was expecting again. *sigh* At times you just feel surrounded by it all.
I'm just waiting patiently, well as patiently as I can.
I have picked up the tablets I need to start on the next cycle in the hopes that my folicles will WAKE UP and grow larger than the measley 9mm they were last time (I think, from memory). Then of course I will need to go and have equipment put where equipment should never be put, to see what effect the stuff has had.
Hoping for a miracle as per usual, and our first month on this regime we will get pregnant (well taking tablets on day 3 to 7 of a cycle is hardly a regime, but it's a start). Really, all we can do is pray that God decides that now is our time, and if He decides it's not, then we shall just carry on and hope that His plan gets revealed more and more as the days go by.
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