"Worrying about tomorrow means that you are missing some of today" Corey Allan of Simple Marriage

Monday, June 25, 2012

Gearing up for nieces

I'm picking my nieces up this weekend, and bringing them here for the first week of the school holidays.  I have a list written of what we can do to entertain them (ages 8 and 5) which include movies, pools, and library visits.  I also thought that we could paint terracotta pots and then select a plant each to plant in their pots.  I also got a can of a spray lacquer that is a clear plastic, to make sure their artwork is sealed onto the pot (I hope).

My other plans include (if I get time) hanging our Christmas lights up in their room, and putting out the Christmas decorations, for a cosy mid-winter Christmas for them.  The main reason for this is because, with Christmas happening in the middle of Summer, and darkness not really happening until after 9.30pm at that time, you really don't get the full effect of the Christmas lights.  In fact, I am usually in bed before we really get to enjoy them.  I think it will be a nice surprise for them, if I manage to get around to doing it!

We were down to 1 biscuit in the tin, so I had to get myself into gear and bake another batch.  I read through the Edmonds Cookbook (of which every single kiwi household has one) but stayed with the tried and true (and favourite) - Afghans!

Just realised that I should have displayed them on a nice plate!

The recipe says it will make 30, but I only managed to make 15 (and they are a lot smaller than the ones I used to make, of which I would only manage to make 8!)

Afghan Recipe
200g Butter
1/2 Cup Sugar
1 1/4 Cup Flour
1/4 Cup Cocoa
2 Cups Cornflakes

Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy.  
Sift flour and cocoa, and stir into creamed mixture.  
Fold in cornflakes.
Spoon mounds of mixture onto a greased oven tray, gently pressing together.
Bake at 180 C / 350 F (such a good book has temperature conversions!)  for 15 minutes or until set.
When cold ice with chocolate icing, and decorate with a walnut if desired (I don't have any).   


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