"Worrying about tomorrow means that you are missing some of today" Corey Allan of Simple Marriage

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I have had man flu for the last 24 hours.  Yes, that's right, man flu.

I hate, hate, hate feeling anything other than fine and dandy, so I get all very woe is me, it's all about me, feel sorry for me, feed me, bring me water, I need a blanket.

Yep, I'm pathetic.  I get man flu.

And the worst thing is how you end up feeling so greasy!  Or is that just me?  I have had a shower today, which made me feel better, but I'm back to feeling greasy again already.  Might just be the lip balm ...

But, as I said, luckily I only get it for 24 hours, so it's going.

I wasn't totally useless today.  I did drive the tractor while TJL sprayed the drains.  I did it, but I wasn't happy as I was FREEZING (there was a very cold wind), and my nose kept running.


I had planned to walk the dogs down the back only.  It's flat, but it meant that Max wouldn't get off leash.  I got a wee way down and remembered TJL had sprayed the cutting, so up the hill we went instead.  So Max got some off lead time, and he was so good!  I was so impressed!  But I'm not getting carried away, there were no rabbits to chase once again, so *phew* yet again.

Got a call from the adoption/foster lady today.  Something I had totally forgotten we had done, it feels like it was so long ago.  It did get me thinking about fostering again.  But I just don't know.  Something I was so sure about doing, I am no longer really thinking about.  

Will take some time after our shift to work things out, but at the moment I'm kind of obsessed with our move.  5 years and an entire farm to pack up.


1 comment:

babycrazykiwi said...

Good luck with your move. Are you going far? And get well soon too :)